Sunday, June 23, 2013

Finding One's Self

Sometimes, we just need to get lost in the hustle and bustle of anonymity...Stay away from people who know us, and live a life with a new set of circle. It's what we need to learn who we really are, what can make and what can break us.  This had been the epitome of my journey for the last seven years, until I found my self again.

When you hit rock bottom, it's either you let yourself drown or try to swim your way up.  With me, I chose the later.  And I'm glad I did. On my struggle to paddled up, I met so many unexpected individuals who helped me pick up the pieces again.  I made new friends at church.  I had gay employees.  I enjoyed being on stage because I was either showing off something, joining a competition or hosting an event.  I taught Korean students who came here in my country and through online classes.  I developed customers who patronized my home-made munchkins.  I met plant workers and laboratory analysts whom I've worked with for six to seven days a week.  Never in my life had I thought I would be in this roller coaster of adventure....all because I was lost.

Faith in God and love for my daughter were the only reasons I held on to exist during those times.  I'm glad I never let go.  Now, I am in a place I never thought I'd be.  Happiness surrounds me every time I wake up, even with just 4-5 hours of sleep.  It's the joy of knowing God created me for a purpose. I wake up seeing my daughter sound asleep just 15 inches away from me. 

I waited for God's plan to unfold.  I tried not to be impatient even if it took years.  Now, I am back to teaching, and it gives me fulfillment.  My daughter had grown up to be so beautiful, responsible and supportive. 2013 is my year, and the coming years would become even better.  Let my life be a testimony of how waiting patiently and finding contentment can truly give joy to a wayward soul.

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